Wall clock

Wall clock Wall clock

Description:Plastic, 30cm wall clock with a smooth turning second hand, and two digital functions on the dial plate; an indoor thermometer and a hygrometer. Batteries included....Read Less...Read More

Print Area:60 x 35

Product Size:40 mm

Lead Time:

Available Colours:Silver

Product Code: SM5281102

Price Range: £15 - £25

Unit Qty Price
Each 5 £27.48
Each 10 £25.45
Each 25 £24.11
Each 50 £23.30
Each 100 £22.53
Unit Qty Price
Each 5 £39.52
Each 10 £31.47
Each 25 £26.52
Each 50 £24.50
Each 100 £23.13
Unit Qty Price
Each 5 £51.56
Each 10 £37.49
Each 25 £28.92
Each 50 £25.70
Each 100 £23.73
Unit Qty Price
Each 5 £63.60
Each 10 £43.51
Each 25 £31.33
Each 50 £26.91
Each 100 £24.33
Unit Qty Price
Each 5 £75.64
Each 10 £49.53
Each 25 £33.74
Each 50 £28.11
Each 100 £24.93
Unit Qty Price
Each 5
Each 10
Each 25
Each 50
Each 100
(Disclaimer: Prices shown exclude set-up/origination costs, delivery and VAT. Prices and specification are subject to change without prior notice.)